علنت The Document Foundation عن وصول النسخة الأخيرة من برنامج LibreOffice 3.3 بعد أربعة شهور من التطوير وزيادة فريق التطوير إلى أكثر من 100 مطور وأربعة إصدارات مرشحة

مميزات تتفرد بها
The Foundation highlights a number of features unique to LibreOffice, such as the ability to import SVG files, easy to use title page formatting in Writer, improvements to Writer's navigation tools, better sheet and cell management in Calc and import support for Microsoft Works and Lotus Word Pro documents. LibreOffice also bundles extensions for
PDF import, a slideshow presenter console and an improved report builder.

مميزات أضافتها من OpenOffice 3.3
LibreOffice 3.3 also includes all the enhancements of OpenOffice 3.3: custom properties handling, embeddable standard PDF fonts in PDF documents, a new Liberation Narrow font, better document protection in Calc and Writer, support of a million rows in calc, and more.

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